DIW offers you exclusive bonus facility on the token share based on Blockchain platform

In the 21st century, everybody use modern technology to make their life easy as well as comfortable. They also invent many platforms where they can easily get the daily necessary service by using this technology. So, modern technology helps people to make their life comfortable. Moreover, people also store data into the digital platform. On the other hand, there is no guarantied security to store the data safely. The hackers can steal this data easily. So, DIWcome with an exclusive platform where you can get the opportunity for storing data faithfully as well as give also many facilities. It is Blockchain technology based platform which give us a great opportunity in the modern world. This platform also manages a smart contract to provide secure service.
Already you know that Blockchain platform is very beneficial for us. In below I am writing you some benefit of a Blockchain network. A Blockchain network features the following advantages:

The problem in the digital data store system and DIW solution: There are many problems to store your data in the online platform. On the other hand, there is no security on you data. Every day, million odd data are stored into this. People create as well as need password to access the digital system and store the data. So many password are made a hassle as well as if you forget your password, you will not access to get your data. On the other hand, hackers can easily steal as well as hack data from the database. So, there is no secured platform to store your data safely. By thinking this problem, DIWinvent a great salutation to store your data safely. They also manage smart contract to give you a safely service. They manage account holders system to the people as well as the subscriber will get all the opportunity of this platform. So, you can trust this platform as well as enjoy a great romance. The Raided network offers the following phase to success in this project:-
· The Scales in parallel with the increased number of users or the transactions is being able to keep up with demand. It is also with the sky being the limit.
· today’s requirements based summary , it’s expected that the network will be able to handle 1 million or more transfers per second as well as it is perfect for our project.
· The Transfers are confirmed within a split second. On the other hand, they will ensure the eligibility of DIW.
· They also develop the sector as well as the Individual transfers don’t show up in the global shared ledger but it is ensuring confidentiality.
· They will manage the system as well as the transfer fees are extremely low.
· The Low amount of the transaction fees enables micropayment processing. So, this project will be strong day by day. It will give the people an enjoyable service.
In the below picture I am showing you the DIW platform in the desktop, mobile phone as well as tabs. You can easily realize that it is a great platform for us to store our personal data safely as well as faithfully. So, you can use it with a great romance.
Other development sector of this platform: This platform not only give your personal data security but also develop five phase to serve you a great. You will get more benefit by using this platform. They also develop the Secure Digital Vault system as well as managing this. On the other hand, the Payment Gateway for Crypto and Fiat Currency system are provided by the DIWplatform. This platform also develops the DIW Global Directory as well as the Paid Escrow system. They also add a new as well as time relevant feature which is Healthcare system provided by the DIW platform.
Uses sector of the fundsDIW spend all the funds for the development of the project. Already you know the platforms as well as you have a clear concept about this platform. I am showing you the funds allocation of this platform in below: the amount of 60% will be reserved towards project design and development system so that people will get a enjoyable service. On the other hand, the number of 15% will be allocated for sales, marketing as well as the development of relationship and community management. They also allocate 5% of total token funds for legal consultation or expenses. Moreover, 5% towards is administrative expenses as well as the amount of 10% of total funds towards operational costs, including office rental. They also added the equipment, servers, etc. in this percentage. Finally, 5% for the redundancy fund.
The ICO Bonus Structure: the amount of total tokens available for ICO is 700 000 000. On the other hand, we know that all unsold tokens will be burned at the end of the ICO. The Token Distribution Dates for Pre-Sale and Public ICO Will be published on their official website. So you can get all information about this website. Please visit this Website: https://diwtoken.com as well as collect a lot of information about this platform. 1–100 000 000 Tokens sale time, they fix the price is 0.000085. on the other hand, 300 000 001–400 000 000 Tokens, the per token price is 0.000115. Finally the token price is 0.000125 when they sold 550 000 001–700 000 000 Tokens. It is a great opportunity for you to buy token at the 1st time or early time of the token sale. So, you can take a try in this sector. I hope will get more benefit. Their main aim is to gather from contributing participants the equivalent of 28 million USD in Ethereum at the time of ICO duration. 120 000 000 will be available at the lowest price when the ICO will start as well as you can get a flexible price.
Overall, this platform will give you a great adventure. By using this platform you can get the security of personal data as well as they also use Blockchain technology to give you an enjoyable service. it is better than any other platform to store data as well as it also give the opportunity of other feature .DIW team member are very strong as well as hard working person. They work hard to develop this platform as well as give people a trustworthy platform. So i would like to tell you that DIW is one of the best data secured platform and this platform also added many features to make this attractive. Let us join this platform as well as the ICO.
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